Thank Your Audience With Panache And Leave An Impact Using These Great Conclusion Slides

7 min readMay 13, 2021


Best Conclusion slides and thank you slides
Leave An Impact on your audience using these great Conclusion slides

Presentations are meant to have an impact on the audience. And most of us spend a good amount of our time hashing out the body of our presentations. However, we often neglect our conclusions or rely on cliched ways to end the presentations that don’t give a sense of completion to the audience and leaves them wanting.

A good conclusion will generally ensure that the audience retains the key takeaways of your content since, at the end of the day, your audience is far more likely to remember the key points and your summarised version rather than the entire presentation. It is indeed a missed opportunity to make an impact if your conclusion falls flat or is altogether missing.

In this blog, we will go through the best practices of using conclusion slides and how they can be made more effective and be used to conclude your presentation in a professional and impactful manner.

Begin the end …well with the end

One of the most integral parts of making a good and impactful conclusion slide is to understand your end goals with your presentation and conclusion. Accordingly, there are various ways to approach a conclusion. We are going to go through the various types of conclusion slides that you can use, based on your final expectations from the audience.


Thank You Slides or Conclusion Slides with Questions Prompt

Sometimes presentation content is structured so that the presenter needs to get through the content first and then allow for interactions- this is especially true when the audience is large in number,. It can be very disruptive to take questions during the presentation. In such a scenario, the conclusion slide needs to bring ideas together to invite questions and interactions.

Effective use of these conclusion slides involves a summary of ideas to remind people of the content and a call out for questions, queries, and comments in your last slide, prompting interaction and engagement from your audience. This is also a great feedback mechanism, as it shows whether your audience understood your presentation and care enough about your content to engage with it at the end.

Conclusion Slide With Questions
Conclusion Slide With Questions

Source: Conclusion Slide With Questions by SlideUpLift

Conclusion Slide With Questions
Conclusion Slide With Questions

Source: Conclusion Slide With Questions by SlideUpLift

Question And Answer Slide
Question And Answer Slide

Source: Question And Answer Slide by SlideUpLift

Overall, use the Questions and Answers to initiate the conversation with your audience and make it more interactive or capture feedback. This is also a great way to assess if your audience understood what you wanted to convey to them.


Thank You Slides or Conclusion Slides That Require Further Action From The Audience

One of the best ways to ensure a memorable presentation is to have a call-to-action at the end of your presentation. This can be as simple as signing up to a mailing list or newsletter to be involved with the company’s workings. Or it can be an active call-to-action to support your initiatives or products by becoming de-facto promoters.

Either way, having a conclusion slide that explicitly states the action that is expected from the audience is more likely to engage them with your ideas and content and results in a presentation that has a far-reaching impact through its inspirational and interactive engagement of the audience.

Thank You Slide With QR Code
Thank You Slide With QR Code

Source: Thank You Slide With QR Code by SlideUpLift

Thank You Slide For PPT
Thank You Slide For PPT

Source: Thank You slide for PPT by SlideUpLift

In short, having a call to action in the last slide will help your audience retain that one thing you want them to do. It is your last chance to communicate what you expect of them. Ensure your Call to Action is engaging and persuasive.


Depending on the emotional tone of your presentation of your persona or even the overall subtext, you could use the conclusion opportunity to leave an emotion with the audience. Enough studies indicate that memories are strongly associated with emotions. If you would like your presentation to stand the test of time and be memorable, take a bit of risk and try to tickle their funny bone, generate some curiosity, inspire them, make them hopeful.

Conclusion Slide
Conclusion Slide

Source: Conclusion Slide by SlideUpLift

conclusion slide PowerPoint
conclusion slide PowerPoint

Source: Conclusion Slide PowerPoint by SlideUpLift

Concluding your presentation with emotions leaves a lasting impression on your audience. So, think of what emotion you want to invoke in your audience and create your thank you slides accordingly. This is one of the most effective ways to end your presentation.


If you want your audience to retain your brand identity after completion, it can be done subtly through a feedback or contact mechanism. This entails asking people to reach out to your organization for feedback, questions, comments, or queries using specific channels of communication that can be highlighted in the conclusion slide, including your firm’s website, social media handles, and email.

Alternatively, you can end your presentation by having thank you slides consisting of your brand’s identifying iconography — logo, tagline, and vision. This becomes the final image of your presentation for the audience and is a great way to build your brand identity within a group of people.

1. Thank You Slides with Brand Identity and Iconography

Add tasteful brand visuals and imagery to the conclusion slide to leave the audience with your identity towards the end; complement the slide with key messages and core positioning associated with the brand.

Thank You Slide
Thank You Slide

Source: Thank You Slide by SlideUpLift

Thank You Template
Thank You Template

Source: Thank You Template by SlideUpLift

2. Thank You Slides with Contact Details

A simple, yet effective technique to add value to your final slide. By adding your contact details, including email, phone number, address, etc., you are providing lines of contact between you and your audience and show to the audience that you are willing to engage with them at any point. It is a great way to show your gratitude and invite further comments and collaborations after your presentation.

Thank You Template
Thank You Template

Source: Thank You Template by SlideUpLift

Thank You Slide For PowerPoint
Thank You Slide For PowerPoint

Source: Thank You Slide For PowerPoint by SlideUpLift

3. Thank You Slides with Guestbook Link

If your presentation is meant for a product launch or promotes your services to your audience, a great way to conclude is to provide a Guestbook link, which can collect audience details for your mailing lists. This way, you create a channel through which you can communicate with this audience personally and widen your potential consumer base.


A presenter needs to end their presentations well. After all, it is meant to give a sense of closure to the audience and leave them with a lasting image of your messages.

You can checkout SlideUpLift’s entire collection of Thank You slide templates and find one that works perfectly for your professional needs. All our templates are professionally designed, visually engaging, and impactful, so you no longer need to worry about creating a design that will be memorable and impactful from scratch!

Now you don’t have to scour the web to find out the right templates. Download our PowerPoint Templates from within PowerPoint. See how?

About SlideUplift:

SlideUpLift is an online platform to help professionals make compelling presentations using principles of vision science and storytelling. The platform contains an online library of pre-designed presentation templates that can be used across industries and functions.

Check out our library of free PowerPoint templates, which are weekly updated to serve the presentation needs of professionals. You will find out the simplicity and ease in downloading the editable template, filling it with your content, and building world-class presentations in just a few clicks.

Originally published at on May 13, 2021.




Written by SlideUpLift

SlideUpLift, your go-to presentation partner, brings you tips, tricks, tutorials, guides, templates, and more to level up your presentation skills.

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