How To Introduce Yourself? How To Introduce Yourself Examples Plus Explore Various About Me Templates

6 min readJan 14, 2021


How to Introduce Yourself — about me slides

Introducing yourself to a group can feel scary. How to introduce yourself? What should you include in your About Me slide? Should you open with a joke? Or maybe a quote? How do you share your achievements without seeming pretentious?

There are a lot of questions and a lot of things at stake. The perfect introduction will lay a solid foundation for your presentation, and a not-so-good one may mislead your audience.

In this article, we have covered the secrets of How to Introduce Yourself perfectly.

Who is Your Audience

This is perhaps the most important point to consider. Your content must be tailored according to your audience. Every audience is different, and therefore you must try to understand them.

Understanding your audience will help you set the tone. For example, an introduction in a professional setting like a business/client meeting will differ greatly from an introduction made in a college workshop.

In a professional setting, when you are getting introduced to a client for the first time, your focus should be limited to your role in the company and your ability to generate value for the client. If you have some experience/skills relevant to the client, you should undoubtedly share them as well. In a professional setting, you don’t have the liberty to experiment and play around. Your introduction should be relevant to the audience and the point. Use more professional-looking About Me templates for this setting.

About me template

View Professional About Me Template

About me template

View Professional About Me Template

How to Introduce Yourself in an interview: Below is an example for your interview.

About me template

View Interview About Me Template

On the other hand, an introduction made to your team members when you have just started a new job will be different. You can share your background, skills, and expertise and can afford to be more easy-going, putting the team members at ease. Use an introduction template that allows you visual, fun images.

About me template

View Casual About Me Template

About me template

View Casual About Me Template

About me template

View Funny About Me Template

So, the audience context plays a great role in deciding how you go about framing your About Me slide and which self-introduction template you should use. Check out our library of About Me templates to get more ideas in different situations.

Prepare The Content: Triangle of Trust

  • The topic
  • You
  • The audience

Your first objective should be to connect yourself to the topic of your presentation. This will help the audience connect to you, and they will find you more relevant. Then try to connect the audience to your topic. This will help them understand what’s in it for them.

Decide the Information You Want to Add to Your About Me Slide.

After you have an idea about your audience, it is time to think about what you want to add to your introduction template. Choose the things that the audience will find relevant.

Default About Me templates should contain — Your Profile, Achievements. Education, Contact Information, and Work Experience should be tailored and tweaked according to the Triangle of Trust.

A great way to make your slide more interactive is to add a QR code with your contact information. This will help you achieve your call-to-action. For example, if you want the audience to visit your website or fill a questionnaire, you can ask them to scan the QR code.

All of this will depend on the time you have been allotted. If you have ample time, you can go ahead and add more things to your About Me slide and vice-versa.

Frame Your Introduction Speech

After you have designed the About Me Slide, it’s time to think about your introduction speech.

An About Me slide can be placed either at the beginning of your presentation or, sometimes, at the end. And your speech is dependent on this decision.

When you are preparing your speech: A tip about accomplishments: Your primary focus should be to make the audience trust you. Will showcasing your achievement list help you instill confidence in your audience? Is it relevant to the topic and the audience?

If yes, then you should go ahead and talk about them. Make sure to focus more on the process and the story rather than on the achievement itself. Explain how you did it, what was your thought process, and most importantly, how did you create value for your client/organization?

Okay, now its time to execute: Here are a few steps.

Break The Ice

Before starting the presentation, you must break the ice. You can try any of the following ways:

  • Converse with the audience — If the audience is small enough, you can have a quick introductory session to ask the audience to introduce themselves. This will make them attentive and engaged.
  • Make a joke — Jokes, when tastefully done, can be extremely effective in breaking the ice. You must have noticed stage performers/presenters starting with a joke to lighten the mood.
  • Share a quote — A relevant quote can go a long way in setting the foundation for your presentation. If you feel your audience wants it or offers some value to your presentation, you can certainly go ahead with it.
  • Share a story — Sharing a short story before the presentation can help you bring everyone on the same page. Ensure that it is not too long and offers a relevant and informative take-away.

Give The Speech

After designing the About Me slide and framing your introduction, it’s now time to give your introduction speech. Please make sure the About Me slide and your speech is in sync. Make eye contact with the audience and keep a friendly face. You can also check out our article to start a presentation by describing different presentation opening ideas.

Ace The Conclusion

After completing your introduction, it’s time to conclude your presentation. Always set some time aside for a quick Q&A session with the audience. This will help you get some insights and will also help you greatly in your future presentations.

You can also share a feedback form in the form of a handout or an URL. This will help you improve your presentation skills and understand the mindset of your audience. You can also distribute handouts or presentation notes. Don’t forget to provide the audience with your contact information in case they want to reach out.

Now you don’t have to scour the web to find out the right templates. Download our PowerPoint Templates from within PowerPoint. See how?

About SlideUplift:

SlideUpLift is an online platform to help professionals make compelling presentations using principles of vision science and storytelling. The platform contains an online library of pre-designed presentation templates that can be used across industries and functions.

Check out our library of free PowerPoint templates, which are weekly updated to serve professionals' presentation needs. You will find out the simplicity and ease in downloading the editable template, filling it with your content, and building world-class presentations in just a few clicks.

Originally published at on January 14, 2021.




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